Follow Melsonian Arts Council
Melsonian Arts Council
Melsonian Arts Council
Get It At Sutlers
Melsonian Arts Council
The Ruinous Palace of the Metegorgos
Melsonian Arts Council
Benighted Betrothal
Melsonian Arts Council
Bestiary 2024 Submission: Parky
A monster for Troika
Melsonian Arts Council
The Hand of God
A Troika adventure
Melsonian Arts Council
The Regency Heist RPG
Melsonian Arts Council
Whalgravaak's Warehouse
A TROIKA! adventure and a logistical nightmare
Melsonian Arts Council
Longshot City
The Superhero RPG
Melsonian Arts Council
Slate & Chalcedony
A TROIKA adventure by Daniel Sell
Melsonian Arts Council
The Big Squirm
A hardboiled Troika! adventure
Melsonian Arts Council
Wengle Instrumentality
A magic item, a mysterious source, a delicious treat.
Melsonian Arts Council
Academies of the Arcane
A comprehensive wizarding academy toolkit
Melsonian Arts Council
Slow Sleigh to Plankton Downs
A journey to the glaciated world of Mora's Misstep
Melsonian Arts Council
The Undercroft 14
Melsonian Arts Council
Very Pretty Paleozoic Pals: Permian Nations
Before even the Dinosaurs...
Melsonian Arts Council
The Undercroft 13
The second series of The Undercroft
Melsonian Arts Council
Acid Death Fantasy
Melsonian Arts Council
The Undercroft 12
Melsonian Arts Council
Role Playing
The Undercroft 11
The second series of The Undercroft
Melsonian Arts Council
Troika Initiative Cards
The Other world's favourite initiative system
Melsonian Arts Council
Fronds of Benevolence
Duke DeCorticus is dying!
Melsonian Arts Council
Crypts of Indormancy
Plunder the tomb of a colonial governor and discover his terrible legacy
Melsonian Arts Council
Fever Swamp
A swamp-crawl sandbox adventure for D&D
Melsonian Arts Council
Fungi of the Far Realms
A fictional fungal field guide for your RPG group
Melsonian Arts Council
Wet Grandpa
Wet Grandpa is system neutral/D20 agnostic pen and paper RPG adventure
Melsonian Arts Council
Something Stinks in Stilton
An adventure into darkest Cambridgeshire, for levels 1-3. Compatible with most old fashioned Dungeons & Dragons clones.
Melsonian Arts Council
Troika! Numinous Edition
The Other world's favourite fantasy RPG
Melsonian Arts Council
Freebooting Rogues of the Infinite Void
Old School Fantasy Gaming in Space, but without the D20s
R. Rook Studio
Politely peculiar planestrolling RPG
Jason Tocci
The Overpowering Influence of Delight
d6 Art Nouveau Backgrounds for Troika
Ca'la - A Game-themed Adventure
Procedurally generated game/dungeon
A Forest of Whispering Speakers
A Pamphlet Dungeon Escape Module for Troika!
Derek Kinsman
Beasts Drolatiques
A whimsical bestiary for Troika!
Troika! Numinous Edition
The Other world's favourite fantasy RPG
Melsonian Arts Council
Kingscairn Issue 1
A Victorian Science Fantasy Zine for Troika!